
What is GFD in Sharekhan? Are you thinking of trading with Sharekhan but are confused with the various options available in the app? Let us talk about everything in detail.

GFD in Sharekhan means ‘Good for Day’ order. It is also termed as a day order on the broker’s portal. But what does it signify and who uses it?

The GFD order is an order validity type and as the name signifies, it remains active till the end of a trading day. If you place an order on Monday morning with an order validity set at GFD, your order will stay in the market until the end of the trading session on Monday.

The broker will automatically square off your GFD orders if you do not execute the order. People who are looking to make quick profits from the everyday market fluctuations, often opt for this option.

But, how do you place a GFD order in Sharekhan? 

If you are using the Sharekhan ‘trade tiger’ mobile app, you can follow the given steps.

  • Log in using your Client ID and membership password.
  • You will now see a dashboard. At the bottom of the page, click on the ‘Trade/quote’
  • A new page will open, search the scrip that you want to trade-in.
  • As soon as you do that, you will see a pop-up.
  • Click on the buy/sell option.
  • You will now have to enter your trading password.
  • A new window will open. Now select the exchange, order type, quantity, trigger price, etc.
  • Once you do that, in the validity segment, select GFD and click on place order.

what is gfd in sharekhan

Your order with a day’s validity will get successfully placed after this. You can also place a GFD order in Sharekhan using the web terminal. Let us have a look at the steps.

  • Log in with your client ID and membership password.
  • On the dashboard click on the ‘trade now’ option.
  • Now enter the name of the scrip, exchange, quantity, etc.
  • On the validity segment, select GFD. 
  • Click on ‘Place order
  • Now enter the trading password.

what is gfd in sharekhan

Once you have verified the password, your order will get placed successfully.

Hope you now understand what is GFD in Sharekhan. For the answers to more stock market queries, you can fill in your details.

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