
Don’t you want to save some additional money that you end up paying as a brokerage charge to different stockbrokers? Won’t it be great to maximize your profit or minimize your loss by paying less brokerage? The answer is yes for sure but at the same time, it is not easy to figure out which demat account has lowest brokerage charges. 

Let us figure it out in this article.

Types of Brokerage commission to be paid while trading

Different DPs (also known as stockbrokers) charge different amounts of commissions for trading using their platforms. A full-service stockbroker generally charges more than a discount stockbroker. Although, the former offers a lot more services in return (like market tips, research, investment plans, and many more) than the latter to compensate for the extra charges. 

The brokerage commission also depends on the different types of trading. The charges are different for Intraday equity trading, Delivery equity trading, Future & Options trading, trading in IPOs and commodities. 

Which Demat account service provider has the lowest brokerage?

Now that you know what are the different charges and their ranges, you must search for the brokers in the market with the lowest brokerage charges as your next step.

However, just letting brokerage charges dictate your decision isn’t a good idea and you must also look for the Demat account opening and maintenance charges as well as any hidden fees. 

Let us narrow down the search for you by presenting this list. 

This list includes different brokerage, Demat account opening and their Annual maintenance charges of few of the renowned full-service, discount, and bank-based Stockbrokers in India. 

  • The brokerage charge for trading in futures & Options remains ₹ 20 more or less with every broker in this list.
  • You, as a client, have to pay different charges for having a Demat account and then trading with different stockbrokers. 
  • Your requirements, your trading style, and your budget are some key factors that you should keep in mind before choosing your stockbroker. 

We hope we solved your confusion regarding stockbrokers having the lowest brokerage charges. If you have any other questions, please drop them down in the comments. 

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