
Motilal Oswal, a well-known broker, is known for offering a wide range of services but what are the brokerage charges of Motilal Oswal?

Motilal Oswal Brokerage Charges 2023

Is Motilal Oswal a discount broker?

If not, then the brokerage is charged on the basis of turnover value. Yes, Motilal Oswal charges commission on turnover but unlike other full-service brokers, the Motilal Oswal delivery charges are 0.2% and zero brokerage for equity intraday.

Also, Motilal Oswal option trading charges are charged in lots which are ₹20 per lot for equity and currency, while for commodity options, the brokerage is ₹200 per lot.

Thus, it provides a platform for active traders to trade without worrying about heavy brokerage fees.

For brokerage charges in other segments, check the details in the table below:

How to Calculate Brokerage Charges in Motilal Oswal?

Now, here is the question, how brokerage is calculated?

You can calculate the above charges using the brokerage calculator. where you can calculate your overall brokerage based on your funds and trading.

Here you have to choose your trading segment and fill in the given details regarding your trade.

  • Buy Price
  • Sell Price
  • Quantity
  • Exchange name (NSE/BSE)

After filling in the details, it will display all the charges, losses, and gains related to your trade.

Similarly, each broker has a different set of brokerage charges and services. It’s up to the trader to choose which broker is a good fit for their needs.

If you have any more stock-market-related questions in your mind, feel free to drop your details and we will arrange a callback or an answer.

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