Upstox has made quite a name for itself in the stockbroking industry as a discount broker. Like every other broker, Upstox also has several charges for trading but does Upstox charge monthly?
If yes, then what are those charges, and how the trader has to pay them? Let’s get into the detail to find the answer.
Is There Any Monthly Charges in Upstox?
Every broker charges you some kind of trading fee that is imposed on the trade you execute using the Upstox trading app. But apart from brokerage charges in Upstox, there are other fees like AMC.
So what is AMC charges in Upstox?
Upstox charges account maintenance charges equals to ₹150 but unlike other brokers, the broker
AMC on a monthly level. Hence if you are having an active demat account with the broker, then you need to pay the monthly fees equal to Rs 25.
This fee is directly deducted from the trading account and therefore it is important to maintain a minimum balance in the trading account to avoid any kind of penalty or extra cost.
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