
Are you not satisfied with your current HDFC Securities brokerage plan? Do you know how to change brokerage plan in HDFC Securities? If not, then here’s the complete guide for just that.

You can change your brokerage plan by visiting the HDFC Securities website where you can see a range of plans to choose from, namely, Equity value plans, F&O Value plans, etc.

So after carefully going through the plan details and making up your mind you just have to follow these simple few steps:

  • The plan you select will also have under the brokerage-related details, a button that says, “Buy Now”. Click on it.
  • This will take you to a page where you can read the complete terms and conditions, including all the charges such as STT, GST, plan validity, etc. It’s advisable that one goes through all this thoroughly.
  • After reading the TnC’s, mark the checkbox just below the TnC’s and then click on the “Proceed” button.
  • If you have already logged in to your HDFC Securities account, then your process of changing brokerage is complete, else you have to log in to your account by filling in the mandatory details.

how to change brokerage plan in hdfc

Once you have completed all the necessary steps mentioned above, you will receive a mail on your registered email address informing you of the updation of your brokerage plan. The new plan’s fee will be deducted from your bank account that’s already linked to the HDFC Securities Demat account. This is how to change the brokerage plan in HDFC securities.

If you need any other help with your HDFC Securities Demat account, you can reach out to us here.

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