
If you are looking to buy shares in Zerodha kite for long term investments, then you need to understand the fundamentals of the company you are looking to invest in.

The fundamentals of any stock that you are interested in are available in the Zerodha kite mobile app. Although, the depth of the fundamental analysis that you would like to carry out cannot be done a lot in this app.

Zerodha Kite Fundamental Analysis

Before you even think to learn about How to Buy Shares in Zerodha Kite for Long Term, you must perform a detailed analysis on the stocks of your choice.

There are so many apps out there that can give you a much more detailed in-depth analysis of a business. Nonetheless, with Zerodha Kite, you’d get access to:

  • Company Overview
  • Return Percentage
  • Market Capitalization
  • PE/PB/Dividend Yield
  • few other metrics

Here is a quick look:

Buy Shares in Zerodha Kite for Long Term

Apart from that, you get regular news and press release around the business plans and happenings of the industry the company is in.

Buy Shares in Zerodha Kite for Long Term

With this understanding, you can a basic idea about the company business, growth momentum, industry competitiveness etc.

Post that, you need to go back to the buy screen, enter the values of the different fields such as:

    • Index
      • NSE
      • BSE
    • Order Type
      • Regular
      • Cover
      • AMO
    • Quantity
    • Price
    • Product
      • Intraday or MIS (Margin Intraday Square off)
      • Long Term or CNC (Cash and Carry): Choose this one
    • Type
      • Market
      • Limit
      • SL or Stop Loss
      • SL-M (Stop Loss Market)
    • GTT (Good Till Trigger)
      • Set Stoploss
      • Set Target
    • Order Validity
      • Day
      • IOC (Immediate or Cancel)
    • Disclosed Quantity

Here is a quick look:

Buy Shares in Zerodha Kite for Long Term

Once you have entered the values of the above-mentioned fields, then you must click on the ‘Swipe to Buy’ button and choose the Product type as ‘Long Term’ or CNC. This selection will help you to Buy Shares in Zerodha Kite for Long Term.

Also, you can place AMO order in Zerodha and modify order in Zerodha until it is in a pending state

Hopefully, we were able to get your query resolved as far as learning about How to Buy Shares in Zerodha Kite for Long Term.

Nonetheless, if you still have any doubt(s), feel free to reach out to us or by simply putting your details in the form below, we will call you back right away:

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